
  • After his best friend Kevin commits suicide, John decides his life needs a change and he spontaneously hea…
  • 《我为太极狂》讲述的是一个来自美国的黑人拳手苏克,从来没有想到自己除了蛋炒饭、李小龙之外,会和中国有什么瓜…
  • 故事主要聚焦在一个早熟的男孩和他的选择性缄默的兄弟身上。在家庭因毒品贩子的干预而瓦解后,两兄弟开始了一场关…
  • 恐怖分子在商业航班上放置炸弹,飞机上的工作人员保证所有乘客的生命,飞机下降到800英尺以下时,炸弹就会被引爆…
  • Superjail! is an American animated television series produced by Augenblick Studios the first season and T…
  • In a surreal world, a large maximum security prison, which houses thousands of dangerous inmates is run by…