
  • A wounded soldier awakens in a strange cube that tests his physical and mental limits as he attempts to fi…
  • 美國菸酒槍炮及爆裂物管理局(ATF)的前探員路見不平,從毒販手上解救了一名女子,想不到人生卻從此大轉彎。女子…
  • 三个深受阿谁时期漫画熟悉外形浸染的美国男孩在美国海边“捡到”到一个苏联水兵而产生的一些列离奇故事,他们的关…
  • 一个刚死了丈夫的寡妇独自开车出城想缓解悲痛,却被一个陌生男子跟踪、绑架,关在人迹罕至的林中木屋里,并告诉她…
  • After a misfortune with some male grooming products, Meir finds himself on a night out with a few of his f…
  • Moody是一位伊朗医生,与他的美国妻子贝蒂和孩子Mahtob居住在美国。为了要再次看见他的祖国,他说服妻子与他和M…
  • For the Goodman family, Friday Night meijubar.net Dinner is just like Sunday lunch: just take two days awa…
  • yle=color: rgb(17, 17, 17); f> 一个刚死了丈夫的寡妇独自开车出城想缓解悲痛,却被一个陌生男子跟踪、绑架,关…