
  • Maya, a wood factory worker. After losing her parents, Maya had to struggle to support her younger brother…
  • 一个潦倒半生的女孩玛雅有天得知自己在乡下原来有间大屋,于是想借着卖屋大赚一笔。但当她与好友阿丁回到这条偏远…
  • 影片故事改编自巴基斯坦的古老神话,主人公阿拉亚是个勇敢、自信、正义的小男孩,在拯救了一只捻角山羊后,拥有和…
  • Unprecedented access to Muhammad Ali's personal archive of audio journals as well as interviews and testim…
  • Since the death of their father and mother, Ambar and Dika move to a nursing home owned by their parents' …
  • 尤妮是一个印度尼西亚少女,她意识到当她的梦想变大时,她周围的世界就会变小。她即将完成高中学业,有一个远大的…
  • Facebook预订挪威热剧《羞耻》美国翻拍版。西蒙·富勒将参与制作该剧。届时该剧将在Facebook的原创剧集平台上线,…
  • After finding the family of a civilian he accidentally killed during the war, a former Australian soldier …