
  • 年仅 20 岁的维罗妮卡经历了比大多数人都要丰富的人生——她谋杀母亲的罪名被裁定不成立,于是她回到家乡,希望重…
  • Il film restituisce un ritratto intimo ed emozionante della grande astrofisica italiana classe 1922, vero …
  • 一个15岁的女孩从美国的一个小镇搬到巴黎学习芭蕾舞,但当她发现一本家庭咒语书时,她的舞蹈梦想发生了超自然的转…
  •  Over the course of two days and one night, as Lisa moves out of the apartment …
  • In a small village on top of the mountains, Maia Zenasi, a rowdy and solitary 16-year-old tomboy, is the o…
  • Mariagrazia, Chiara and Letizia are three inseparable friends forced to deal with the hated extra pounds e…
  • 相爱多年的情侣Giulia和Chiara决定生养一个孩子,但是意大利的法律只允许异性恋夫妇生养孩子,于是她们需要前去荷…
  • 《我的天才女友》是埃莱娜·费兰特“那不勒斯四部曲”的第一部,讲述了两个女主人公莉拉和埃莱娜的少女时代。故事…