
  • <p>  本剧基于Frederick Forsyth的同名小说和1973年环球影业同名改编电影创作。<br/> …
  • <p>  丽塔是一位资历很高但总被低估的律师。她工作的事务所更感兴趣的是让罪犯摆脱困境,而不是将他们绳…
  • 讲述了年轻警官麦迪的故事,她决心继承已故父亲的遗志。当当地人被僵尸袋鼠残忍撕成碎片时,她的勇气受到了考验。…
  •   红军战士苏哈夫连续几年在俄罗斯内战中奋勇作战,立下了赫赫战功。就在他要回家的路上,却阴差阳错地被要求护…
  • Anticipation of Love has settled in a heart of a young lady. The borders between dream and passion are ver…
  • A wounded soldier awakens in a strange cube that tests his physical and mental limits as he attempts to fi…
  • The summer before she goes away to college, TaMara encounters a girl with a scar on her chest. As the summ…
  • 他是足球天才、球場上帝、起义英豪,還是騙徒一位?馬勒當拿由窮家小子變身神一樣的球星,天價轉會拿玻里,世界盃…