
  • 改編自丹麥金獎同名暢銷小說,瑪麗的愛人拉斯穆斯因工作關係決定搬離哥本哈根,搬到丹麥西日德蘭半島,瑪麗的生活…
  • The Story is purportedly based on real-life incidents which took place in the 1980s
  • 由Mitchell Altieri和Phil Flores执导的吸血鬼电影《汤普森一家》(The Thompsons)是2007年恐怖片《汉…
  • A medical student suffering from sleep paralysis finds herself plagued by a demonic entity, after moving i…
  • A witness under police escort is attacked. A policewoman, the only one who survives, is sheltered by indig…
  • 西奥多西亚·思罗克莫顿(Theodosia Throckmorton,又名西奥)是两位勇敢的埃及考古学家的14岁女儿,她于190…
  • 影片讲述了安娜与奶奶之间感人的亲情故事。安娜是一个坚强的女孩,不管在外边受了多大的委屈,她总是独自忍受。对…
  • 疫情来袭,武汉市金银潭医院从一个武汉人都觉目生的名字,一夜之间成为抗疫救治最前方的代名词。自2月起开端为期…