
  •   故事发生在18世纪末的威尼斯一所女子寄宿学校,讲述了特蕾莎的故事。她是一个年轻的梦想家,与一小群非凡的音…
  •   Inspired by Michael Powell’s critically acclaimed nonfiction sports novel Ca…
  • 影片根据真实事件改编。埃博尼·杰克逊是一位努力与内心恶魔斗争的单身母亲,她带着家人搬进新家,开始新的生活。…
  • The Chosen is a historical drama based on the life of Jesus and those who knew him. Set against the backdr…
  • 聚焦安东尼奥·利加波尔震惊全意大利的戏剧性人生,自幼就展现绘画天赋的他,童年却十分坎坷,义大利父母非法到德…
  • When a young soldier, newly returned from war, gets caught up in a drug bust, he is recruited by the autho…
  • 看似无所畏惧的领袖走向自我毁灭后,这群深受困扰的超级英雄必须直面世间和自己心中不断滋生的邪恶
  • Russian operatives hijack a commercial American jet, planning to crash it into a nuclear power plant near …