
  • 故事发生在一个名为迪斯科的异想世界之中。一年一度的Hogswatchnight即将到来,这是这个世界里最为盛大和隆重的一…
  • It is 1917, and lunatic General Sir Anthony Cecil Hogmanay Melchett is leading the British troops at the f…
  • During the Regency period, the insane King George III's stark raving mad son, George, is the Prince Regent…
  • 英国19世纪摄政时期,乔治三世的傻儿子乔治(休·劳瑞HughLaurie饰)是那时威尔士的摄政王。这位粗俗不堪又愚昧至…
  • 神眼系列电影共 三部,主角原型为赤峰市著名痕迹侦察员马 玉林,影片鲜活地演绎了神眼在破案中的 传奇故事。第一…
  • Philip, a solitary proof reader, is trapped in his apartment, too afraid to leave and tortured by an unkno…