
  • New York, 1980: three complete strangers accidentally discover that they are identical triplets, separated…
  • he wealthiest man in the world, John P. Merrick, is a private person who likes to stay anonymous. One of h…
  • 現代男版灰姑娘金魚變司機腳踏車變蝙蝠車最喜歡JERRYLEWIS在廚房即興COUNTBASIE的CUTE那一段,後段COUNTBA…
  • Two naked survivalists are challenged to survive for 21 days in the Costa Rican rainforest, despite a dead…
  • 曾获艾美提名﹑LisaKudrow主演的Showtime喜剧《#网疗记#WebTherapy》被英国电视台Channel4改篇成6集半小…
  • 人脑是人体中最复杂、最神秘的地方,我们将透过科学家的最新发现及试验,揭开脑袋神秘的一面。启发、提升、创新,…
  • 《猛鬼街》的标志性人物robertEnglund将在他首部英国电影《脱衣舞娘大战狼人》Strippersvs.Werewolve…
  • A shocking assault inspires horrific violence when a group of teens encounters a girl from their school wh…