
  • 詹妮科(Ingrid Bolsø Berdal 饰)与朋友们去挪威中南部优兹黑姆山滑雪,结果遭遇变态杀人狂,朋友惨遭杀害,而…
  • Deep in the Northern California woods, in the heart of the notorious Emerald Triangle, lies a remote cabin…
  • 有犯罪前科的艾美在一间旅馆上第一次夜班,不料十年前曾在此地发生过的一起骇人谋杀案,却将艾美受困在反覆目击恐…
  • A filmmaker discovers a box of video tapes depicting two students" disturbing film project featuring …
  • Rescue workers race against the clock to save twelve boys and their soccer coach trapped in a cave system …
  • Chef Jack and his assistant Leonard will travel through the Culinary Islands to participate in the biggest…
  • 《囊肿》是一部老派的怪兽影戏,在这部影戏中,一位热心的整形外科医生将不吝一切代价为他最新的囊肿切除机申请专…
  •  报告美国士兵JJ驻扎在罗马,被围困、封锁,处于战争状况。当梵蒂冈被炸后,他开端寻觅一个威逼到整个世界性命的…