
  • 银行小职员斯坦利(金•凯瑞 Jim Carrey 饰)老实本分,过着和所有老实人一样的平凡生活。一次,斯坦利在接待金发…
  • Freestyl. Digital.Media购得抢劫喜剧题材新片《错上加错》(A Bad Idea Gone Wrong)的北美发行权,将于…
  • 提奇是位身材瘦小,但精力無限又有很多小聰明的男孩,每天活在自己的寶萊塢白日夢之中,他幻想自己是位戰無不勝的…
  • 几个月来,粉丝们都对新一季的NCIS无比期待,在上一季的两小时最终回里,NCIS小组失去了一个重要成员,Jenny…
  • An attack on the new President of a fl.dgl.ng Eastern European democracy pits an American covert operative…
  • 一名学习成绩优异但性格懦弱的菜鸟警察,为了成功完成他的第一个任务--与一名充满敌意、性格孤僻的资深警察联手抓…
  • l.ura and Ryan are perfect for each other: they both l.ve Meryl.Streep, have been total.y destroyed by pre…
  • Fol.ows an ambitious criminal.defense attorney that, in his aspiration to be named partner, takes on a mur…