
  • 路易斯·布鲁克斯饰演的年轻女子总是接连遭遇不幸……父亲是个喜新厌旧的主,他的药剂师徒弟也自然沾花惹草,泰米…
  • Interweaving stories of four different women involved in the sex industry offers a glimpse into the dark u…
  • Coming of age film about SVen, a boy who feels trapped in his own family which only consists of duos. His …
  • Ricky Rapper gets a letter from a distant relative who's looking for an heir.
  • 比利怀特自小热衷棒球,在球场上表现优异,并得到邻居大姊凯蒂的鼓励,誓以棒球为终身的事业,凯蒂的关爱,使她与…
  • The story of a heavy metal drummer who blows his eardrums out and must learn to adapt to a world of silenc…
  • 外星人进侵,打中断了一场拜别独身派对。两名儿时密友只好再度合体,变身昔时的超猛雷射枪同伴,出手反击。
  • 《长毛检察官》是迪斯尼于1976年所推出的电影,本片是迪斯尼1959年黑白片《长毛狗》(The Shaggy Dog)的续…