
  • 玛蒂和她的朋友们周末去森林里筹办玛蒂的婚礼,婚礼地点就在罗杰斯先生的营地附近,由于没有手机信号,他们的旅行…
  • 这部电影围绕两条线索展开。一条线索讲述了一位有抱负的导演向一位受欢迎的女演员帕德马瓦蒂讲述了一个有趣的剧本…
  • 65-year-old Ganeshan has completely lost the zest for life after his wife's passing. But the news of his 7…
  • A young married couple become involved with another woman and must learn to navigate a three-way relations…
  • 一名年輕浪子開始全力追求新鄰居的女兒,他原本的生活因此跟著翻天覆地。
  • A village on the Georgian Black Sea is full of friendly people convinced they know each other. One day, El…
  • 身为孤儿地士兵Ram中尉因为战功接受采访后收到了许多人的来信,包括一个在信中自称是ram妻子的名叫sita的女孩,他…