
  • On his first day as a fourth-grader, Sune is welcomed by an unwanted surprise. A new boy is in his seat, a…
  • 少女布里切特(瑞贝卡·布兰迪斯 Rebekah Brandes 饰)是一家午夜电影院的工作人员,当晚,她所在的影院将要放映…
  • Troubled by bouts of sleepwalking and disturbing nightmares, graduate student Sarah Foster goes to her uni…
  • 一对年轻情侣前往西北部山区露营,当他们意识到周围并非只有他们自己时,事情开始急转直下。
  • 故事讲述的是年轻的已婚女子Roberta深夜开车回家,不幸意外撞见一宗残忍的谋杀案,一位金发女子临死前恰巧倒在她…
  • 只身一人漂泊在外的女孩杰西卡(Lilly-Fleur PoinTeaux 饰),自童年时代起就饱受同一个噩梦的困扰,梦中她总能看…
  • When the hospital she works at is transported to the moon, medical student Martha Jones joins forces with …