
  • 豪华游艇环绕的佛罗里达蓝湾,富人云集,在阳光普照的毫宅中,却隐藏着不为人知的丑闻,纠缠爱恨,性及谋杀,就像是…
  • 猛虎(萨尔曼?汗 Salman Khan 饰)是印度情报局的一名优秀的特工,出色的工作能力让他一次次从危险的任务中死里逃…
  • 美國菸酒槍炮及爆裂物管理局(ATF)的前探員路見不平,從毒販手上解救了一名女子,想不到人生卻從此大轉彎。女子…
  • 一年前,女主角在贝茨旅馆举行的表演上看到她最好的朋友不幸被烧死。一年后旅馆重新开业,女主角去那故地重游试图…
  • A football player and his friends travel to the planet Mongo and find themselves fighting the tyrant, Ming…
  • The Story is purportedly based on real-life incidents which took place in the 1980s
  • 1831年,北美洲某个偏僻的山谷村落,这里流传着一个古老的习俗。每到夏末节(10月31日)当天,村中要将所有不洁净…
  • <p>Between quarreling parents, mocking brothers and psychiatric patients, Josse grows up in an unuSu