
  • 莎拉波娃自传纪录片《The Point》于6月20日登陆iTunes。用莎娃的话来说,这部纪录片将展现其“生活最…
  • Starting six months before the 2016 presidential election, director Jim Stern put his life on hold and -- …
  • 上世纪七十年代,在中国还没有全面开放之时,来自意大利、法国、美国和日本的四位纪录片大师不约而同地来到中国,…
  • Director/co-writer Myriam Aziza"s queer romantic comedy features a French woman (Sarah Stern) attempt…
  • 本片告诉了正在拼命减肥的人们一个道理-----没有万能的减肥药,只有锻炼才会瘦。Burg有个嗜好—吃,他永远无法抵…
  • Marinicã (Cristi Iacob) is a sailor. He goes to Timisoara because his girlfriend Imola (Ioana Moldo…
  • 一个年轻的女人Nicole Freeman(莫尼卡·凯娜 饰)如往常一样下班后吃饭、看书,可是今天她的心情糟糕透了,因为…
  • Welcome to South Africa, the multicultural and exotic Rainbow Nation that boasts abundant wildlife and fas…