
  • A retired assassins past catches up with him and his brutality surfaces as he goes on a final killing spre…
  • He was one of the top directors in pre-war Poland, later an influential figure of the Italian film industr…
  • 原本风光无限的白富美安德莱亚,因为犯了个错误,被迫和父亲搬到巴塞罗那的一个混乱街区避风头。她将自己关在家中…
  • The tragic story of the first and only football player to come out as gay whilst still playing.
  • 在2011年的7月21日那天,650个年轻人正在于特岛上参加夏令营,他们刚刚得知一个令人震惊的消息,奥斯陆的一座政府…
  • 一名圣殿骑士被迫成为角斗士,与来自世界各地的挑战者决斗,追寻一把传说中的神剑。当这位圣殿骑士发现他被安排与…
  • 四個重金搖滾邊緣人,主唱是療養院清潔員,吉他手是馴鹿屠夫,貝斯手是圖書館管理員,聽歌過耳不忘,曾死過兩次的…
  • A retired assassins past catches up with him and his brutality surfaces as he goes on a final killing spre…