
  • Four travelers encounter menacing phenomena during a desert camping trip.
  • Michael's health club is beseiged with a series of terrible murders involving killer saunas and other gris…
  • 托马斯体弱多病,靠人血为生。他的两个哥哥——德怀特和杰西在照料他时起了辩说:为了让弟弟活下往,他们死后已尽…
  • 2013年的韩国大卖惊悚恐怖片《捉迷藏》将翻拍美版。Joel David Moore (《青春俄勒冈》)执导,Hyde Park…
  • 在父母过世后,Lucas(奥古斯特马图洛饰)是由酒鬼哥哥Tom(迈克尔C曼宁饰)一手养大的。Lucas被同侪霸凌,于是他…
  • 在一个阳光明媚的日子里,凯伦(盖琦·格莱特利 Gage Golightly 饰)、保罗(塞缪尔·戴维斯 Samuel Dav…
  • PANIC BEATS begins with a totally nude woman with welts on her body, running through a misty forest full o…
  • Patrick Davenant invites a group of friends to visit a theater inside his villa, a place which later revea…