
  • 广袤无际的非洲大草原上,饱受干旱所侵扰的动物们耐心却又焦灼地等待着洪水的到来。今年的汛期似乎姗姗来迟,动物…
  • Emma Bovary is bored by her country doctor husband and gives in to the affections of several rich suitors …
  • 19岁的Agnes回到了柏林避暑小屋(Berlin Summer House),她从小在那里长大。在那里遇到了自己暗恋很久的男孩Con…
  • Dance teacher and mother Nadja left her son Mario with her own mother when he was little. Now she has reap…
  • A mythical account of the life of Buddy Bolden, the first Cornet King of New Orleans.
  • 影片是著名作家卡夫卡名著《洞穴》的一个当代版本的改编。《卡夫卡的洞穴》中讲述了在快速变化和日益孤立的世界一…
  • A young stockbroker at a Mob-controlled Wall Street firm gets betrayed and sent to prison for six years. W…
  • 纽约市一所艺术高中的进学测验现场,大批怀抱艺术胡想的青年冀停整理于通过器乐、表演、舞蹈测验后踏上新一段的人…