
  • yle=color: rgb(48, 48, 48); f> 一对各自离异的男女,来自印度的卡珈及住在伦敦的杰,一次因缘际会下在伦敦相识…
  • 讲了一个让人惊讶的故事:儿子都要结婚了,年过半百的老妈却怀孕了!
  • A law student from a lower caste begins a friendship with his classmate, a girl who belongs to a higher ca…
  • An addict is trapped to live the same day over and over again when he is placed onto an experimental rehab…
  • 此电影翻拍自北印度2009年的由阿米尔汗主演的火爆全球,正在中国上映的《3 Idiots》。电影以两个好朋友Venka…
  • In New York arrives a violent and angry man imprisoned by his brutal past, Mohammed Husain. His mission - …
  • 1948年,孟买。饱受争议的知名作家SaadatHasanManto因出版多部针砭时事的作品而引起公众愤慨。印巴分治之后,他不…