
  • 貝特姆和兩個哥哥、一個姊姊、還有爸媽一起生活,因為付不出租金,被趕出了公寓。於是,古怪的叔叔將孩子們捲入一…
  • Aunt Elvi and aunt Rauha try to find a suitable father figure for Ricky.
  • After Eric and Chloe's breaking up, something happens in their lifes.
  • Although he’s warned to expect boredom and bitter cold, Anders, a young Danish primary school teache…
  • 瑞典数百名难民儿童面临被驱逐出境的危险,他们饱受辞职综合症的折磨,从世界上退居到昏迷般的状态,仿佛被冻结了…
  • Exofarm has a new CEO. The new CEO wants to control the world. Antboy tries to stop her with a new unnamed…
  • Netflix全新青春励志爱情喜剧电影,讲诉一名其貌不扬的聪明女高中生Sierra因为一条误发的信息与男生Jamey产…
  • 芦佛是一个年龄为140亿年的小外星人,他每天的生活是跟随父亲建设宇宙,面对这些宇宙工程师们的重复劳作,芦佛心…