
  • 深入人心的心理恐惧。自从她的父母在她年轻的时候失踪以来,卡米尔就受到了创伤。现在,二十年后的今天,提起诉讼…
  • In 2018 a string of tragedies unfolded in North Eastern Nevada. A woman was found dead and another would v…
  • 《迷失内华达》讲的是Gary失踪后他周围的人都在寻找他,随后出现的一个个线索引出了Gary失踪事件背后的骇人真相.…
  • A psychological horror delving into one's person soul. Camille has been traumatized since her parents disa…
  • 该剧由《浴血黑帮》编剧斯蒂文·奈特担任制作人,弗朗西斯·劳伦斯([红雀])执导,奈特与劳伦斯共同操刀剧本。剧集…
  • After a family tragedy in the chaotic city, Chris and Maggie Conley, in a last-…