
  • A poison killer woman in a search and destroy mission against a strange spiritual leader
  • 美国核子动能研究学家将核研究后的废料排到大河中流进湖泊中,核废料居然基因突変滋长了一条锐齿凶猛又重大的可骇…
  • 差人局接到一宗伯爵夫人遇害的案件。查询拜访员卢卡和女警官伊莎贝勒开端了严密的查询拜访,他们向蒙蒂格理尼伯爵…
  • 本季《You Quiz on the BLock》将带着亲爱们亲自建造的谜题展开人文参观。现场见到的亲爱将解开出题者用固有常识…
  • Frank O'Brien, a petty thief, and his 7-year-long girlfriend Roz want to put an end to their unsteady life…
  • 在遥遠浩瀚的宇宙中存在着某个星体正进行一项病毒实验,此病毒是将其他星体里的任何生物内的DNA摧毁,导致该星体…
  • In 1989, physicist Bob Lazar broke the story of Area 51 and the US government"s work on alien spacecr…
  • Preceding her death a young woman relives her life in a mirror world, giving her the chance to fight her k…