
  • West Point cadet Edgar Allan Poe and four other cadets on a training exercise in upstate New York are draw…
  • Onehundredyearsafterbeingwronglyexecuted,twoblackbrothersreturnfromthegravetoavengetheirdeathsandreclaimth…
  • 2030年,人类凭借超光感通讯科技,使外太空航天竞赛进入白热化阶段。行星联合航天集团值此良机发射了火星探索飞船…
  • A cheerleader is imprisoned and made to jump through social media challenges for a seemingly motivated kid…
  • After the tragic loss of his wife battling the forces of darkness, Gabriel is persuaded to rejoin his form…
  • ◎简  介  克里斯托·凯恩是一名乡村歌手,在他成为超级明星之后,他开始感到厌倦,感到生命在渐渐萎缩。于是…
  • 威尼斯电影节新晋影帝卢卡·马里内利,米丽娅姆·莱昂内(意大利版[看不见的客人])将主演,[爱情与子弹]导演安东尼…
  • 以國際影壇好評如潮的《烈殺令》獲得奧斯汀奇幻影展新浪潮最佳導演的尚盧埃布洛,不讓歐美亞洲電影專美於前,矢志…