
  • 65-year-old Ganeshan has completely lost the zest for life after his wife's passing. But the news of his 7…
  • 忧郁的金发男孩“喀拉”(马蒂亚斯·施魏格霍费尔 Matthias Schweigh?fer饰)是名救死扶伤的专业救护人员。他善良…
  • In 1974, the Portuguese and their descendants fled Angola where nationalist groups gradually claimed their…
  • 约翰·卡朋特的《郊区的尖叫》是传奇导演、作家和制片人约翰·卡朋特创作的一部打破体裁的无剧本恐怖选集系列。这…
  • Tired of country life, Anna leaves military school and her home to live in exciting Prague where she finds…
  • 当27岁的托尔在一场垃圾车事故中失去了他生命中最重要的人时,他竭尽全力压抑自己的悲痛。白天,他若无其事地继续…
  • 在享受最后一个海滨假日时,这对准备入读电影学院的儿时好友遇到了一名年轻的运动员,并被对方点燃了陌生的欲望