
  • 当一艘外星牢狱飞船在加州戈壁坠毁时,开释出一个又一个怪物,他们敏捷祛除了试图阻拦他们的军队。 如今阻拦外星…
  • A look at the life and career of Chelsea Manning, a trans woman soldier in the United States Army, who was…
  • -A graduate student trying to complete her research on a book project she hopes will help her down-on-her-…
  • A unique, intimate and honest portrayal of a girl grieving for the loss of her best friend. That just happ…
  • Like most med school grads, David Tracey expected to roll straight into a residency, earn his license to p…
  • 《趣怪守护仙电影——长大吧!Timmy Turner》改编自热门动画《趣怪守护仙》。电影结合真人动作和CG动画技术,讲述…
  • 尤拉伊·亚诺希克。18世纪斯洛伐克著名强盗,被称为传奇的“中欧罗宾汉”。1688年1月25日受洗,1713年3月17日…
  • Scott本是个正常人,但狼在他身上咬的那一口改变了他的一生。现在的他很想知道自己究竟是谁,他又会变成怎样。他…