
  • A demonic creature not of this world impregnates a woman
  • He was one of the top directors in pre-war Poland, later an influential figure of the Italian film industr…
  • A young, disenchanted couple (Ron and Becca) agree to engage in an open relationship with their couple fri…
  • 在遥远宇宙的最深处,有一颗名为塞博坦的星球。数千万年前,一种高级智慧生命体为了某种目的开发出军用和民用两种…
  • 不久的将来,一种藉由空气传染的细菌,造成世上超过九成的人失去视力。只有少数人及时赶到安全地带并筑起高牆做为…
  • 當科學家創造出新品種恐龍用來培養人體器官,然而一場意外卻讓這群遠古生物脫逃而出,創造牠們的科學家此時必須竭…
  •  "Perfume" chronicles one week in the lives of over a dozen people involved in the magazine…