
  • 影片讲述来自土耳其东南部的迪亚巴克尔省的两名警务人员,前往纽约带回在美国被捕的一名有权优势的土耳其恐怖分子…
  • Set in a vintage backdrop, this period drama takes place in the year 1992 and reflects the socio-political…
  • 反家暴题材影片《耳光》于印度公映后立刻引发重大反响,塔丝·潘努在影片中扮演一个受过教导的中产阶层家庭妇女,…
  • Ozgur a young boy who lost his parents since childhood was heir to his grandfather's wealth but there is o…
  • 25-year-old Sibel lives with her father and sister in a secluded village in the mountains of Turkey's Blac…
  • Gangacharan是村里新来的婆罗门(印度僧侣)。在村里,他承担了多种职责。包括教书,组织宗教事务,预防流行病等…
  • 本片改编自畅销奇幻小说,从亚瑟王身后以精神信仰操控国家兴亡的三位女性的 观点,一窥在亚瑟王传奇背后的众多阴…
  • 当外交手段失效,唯有不择手段。在新的一集里,著名嘻哈组合Naughty By Nature其中一员Treach主演探员尼尔肖恩…