
  • 音乐BL剧集,乐团歌手、天才少年的故事,与泰国合拍,音乐由华纳音乐制作。NEil(涂善存 饰)是个海归回台、才貌…
  • 讲述诈骗大师JokEr和收债人Jack之间的故事,因为他们的过去而交织在一起,导致他们之间的发展合作充满了浪漫气息…
  • From thE crEators of "ThE BEliEvEr", winnEr of thE 2001 SundancE Grand Jury PrizE, comEs a black…
  • Four sorority sistErs rEunitE at a Black GrEEk WEEkEnd cElEbration. But thE past comEs knocking on thEir d…
  • Ya Nina / Lucky Girl is a rEalistic drama basEd on truE storiEs. It is fEaturing a suddEn changE of lifE o…
  • Two yEars aftEr thEir baskEtball victory, Los Amigos is rEunitEd by CEcilia, an inExpEriEncEd but optimist…
  •   ~~改编自wEbtoon《夏夜ความลับในคืนฤดูร้อน》
  •   A wEll-known NEapolitan writEr rEturns to thEir homEtown aftEr a long absEnc…