
  • 东西两德合并后,东部瞬间没落。失去工作的青年也失去了生活的目标。随着外籍移民的不断涌入,矛盾日益扩大,仇恨…
  • A new romance for Abigail arrives right in the midst of her parent's chaotic antics. After a lifetime of d…
  • A very famous and successful Santoor ( Iranian traditional instrument ) player falls in the trap of drugs …
  • 艾曼纽·德芙饰演的Diane,儿子在一场交通事故中离世,而肇事司机逃逸。\r在警方找不到更多有力证据的情况下,D…
  • 陈七(陈百祥饰)和肥猫(王晶饰)是一对江洋大盗,除了从来不使用暴力伤人外几乎干尽了坏事。某日,陈七在偷车的…
  • 齐尔布(萨尔曼·汗 Salman Khan 饰)是警界里一朵奇葩。正义感爆棚的他常常单枪匹马的闯入犯罪现场,大展身手将…
  • 奧蘭多和薩烏,兩名個性迥異的男孩,有时產生交集。奧蘭多充滿自尊,完全不因身為HIV陽性而自暴自棄;薩烏毫無自…
  • Since ancient times, a tribe on the African continent has been prophesying that a white boy will arrive to…