
  • 罗勃.派克(RobertB.Parker)的作品改编,杰西警探犯罪档案系列故事第六集.《杰西警探》系列一直注重於侦探类剧集…
  • Appoy is a school kid with a creative mind who couldn"t cope up with the formal system. All the while…
  • After receiving an unsettling voicemail, Jordan (Wiggins) returns home, looking for answers, only to find …
  • A troubled girl finds faith, hope, and healing through a relationship with a wounded horse.
  • 一个杀手必须证明他对他的导师和最好的朋友的忠诚,而他的女朋友想要离开他们的业务。
  • Ram plays a rich Gujarati businessman and Sunny, a famous film star. The situations they find themselves i…
  • 小曼达被强奸后被丢弃在贫民窟的垃圾堆里,强奸犯是当地政客儿子,警察选择包庇罪犯,曼达的父母关心的是自己尊严…
  • 她一直在调查谁谋杀了她的父亲,她一直和失明的弟弟生活在一起,然而她还有一个特殊的身份,被称为传说中的“黑色…