
  • When Fuchs starts his new job as a teacher in a prison school, replacing the old and unconventional teache…
  • After waking up from a horrific car accident, April must find a way to work through her trauma and a will …
  • 沙特阿拉伯首都利雅得,密集的枪声和巨大的爆炸声撕裂了高档住宅区的宁静。针对西方人的恐怖袭击导致上百人死亡,…
  • Thomas and Thomas are going through a rough patch they are both thirty-something actors living in Paris. T…
  • In this emotionally charged thriller, Harper is forced to face horrifying secrets of her childhood in orde…
  • 法国2004年最新冒险喜剧片,杰拉尔德帕迪约主演的法国版《石头族乐园》,法国本土票房第三位。讲述的是37,000…
  • 由瓦尔丹·托兹加编剧执导,主要讲述年轻人在犯罪道路上的经历。在一个由权力决定公平的国度,主人公菲利浦生活在…
  • 阿格涅丝卡·霍兰([糜骨之壤])新片[江湖郎中](Charlatan,暂译)正式开拍,该片由伊凡·特洛伊(Ivan Troj…