
  • 斯坦哈里斯是一个拖延恐怖的小说家,接到他的出版商的电话警告他,他只有到晚上才能完成他的最新作品。当超自然事…
  • 故事灵感来自于《傲慢与偏见》(PrideandPrejudice),活动策划者伊丽莎白·班纳特(ElizabethB…
  • A Nederland, Colorado teen goes missing. In class the next day, a group of mismatched kids get into an arg…
  • A closeted gay woman, Mercy (Emily Lape), meets an attractive, sexual and loving college student named Jes…
  • 一群新的敌人来到地球。一个叫特雷斯的赛亚人和他的一班党羽,企图在地球种植一棵邪恶的树,这棵树能够吸取地球上…
  • Strange other-worldly sounds are echoing around the world. A group of researchers, led by expert ufologist…