
  • 《威尔和格蕾丝》女星黛博拉·梅辛加盟出演改编自百老汇音乐剧《13》的Netlfix新片。塔拉·戴维斯(《真爱不死》)…
  • A 12-year-old boy turns to a charismatic loner for help after being beaten up at school, in director Miles…
  • 魔术师但丁依靠神秘的斗篷在时尚都会挣下超高的人气,但是斗篷中藏着可怕的秘密,但丁则用录像记录下了一切。直到…
  • 每所學校都有自己的恐怖傳說,在這裡,若聽到了詭異聲音,千萬別回頭…。這所明星學校培育出無數菁英學生,卻有著…
  • Fed up with the materialism of Christmas, Santa runs away to New Zealand for a summer holiday. When two Ki…
  • When Muhimu the zebra asks Bunga to babysit, his unorthodox style soon catches on, and he is put in charge…
  • When a strange sound wipes out the hearing population, a small group of deaf people must band together to …
  • 故事讲述了兄弟间的羁绊,并诠释了忠诚的含义,描绘了美国和墨西哥边境的帮派暴力生活。年轻的BuddyHeckum在射…