
  • 39岁的布伦南•哈夫(威尔•法瑞尔 Will Ferrell 饰)无业,一直在母亲南希(玛丽•斯汀伯根 Mary Steen…
  • 一个不道德的假释官(狄龙饰)欠下了当地黑帮头子的债权,被迫在12小时内实现一系列危险的毒品抢劫动作,以了偿他所…
  • Coming of age tale told through the eyes of 'Tu', an ambitious young man from A…
  • 一种新品种的侵略性、贪婪的鲨鱼在北极研究站结冰的海面上出现,吞噬了所有坠落的人。当空间站沉入冰冷的水中时,…
  • Russian operatives hijack a commercial American jet, planning to crash it into a nuclear power plant near …
  • 因为一场战役,死亡开始正在这蔓延,直到30个部落只剩下5个。聪明的人知道怎么可以让他们自己活下来,于是他们呼…
  • Petty Officer Michael DAvis (Jeremy DAvis) is the newbie to SEAL Team VI, but after his first mission the …
  • ENDANGERED SPECIES is an intense, action packed survival-adventure about a wealthy American family who tra…