
  • 被分配到刑事调查部门的菜鸟警官上尉·图尔第一次实地部署时,意外地遇到了法医科学研究所的医生切尔兰博士。他们…
  •   At a time when Pak Wiryo found it difficult to die because he had a 'hold', …
  • At a time when Pak Wiryo found it difficult to die because he had a 'hold', the children of his first wife…
  • A group of world leaders awakens a creature beneath the ocean floor, and mankind's only hope rests on an a…
  • Pathomkan 因诈骗罪锒铛入狱。在狱中,他遇到了外表冷漠却有着异样魅力的 Bible,深受其吸引。Bible 的存在…
  •   曼莫(路易斯•费尔南多•佩纳 Luis Fernando Peña 饰)与父母生活在墨西哥小镇桑塔安那,靠务农为生。德里…
  • 何塞·阿卡蒂奥·布恩迪亚和乌苏拉·伊瓜兰这对表兄妹不顾父母的反对结婚了,他们离开了村庄,踏上了寻找新家园的…
  • Emi must deal with his magician pArent's disappearance after a trick spirals out of control.