
  • 讲述一对夫妻因其幼小的孩子死去,十分伤心,婚姻也出现裂痕,妻子把一个假娃娃养在家里,还请了保姆,家中却发生…
  • 新来的哲学教师墨林 (Merlí) 在课堂内外不拘一格,常常令墨守陈规的学院主任托尼 (Toni) 大为光火,却又让苦恼于…
  • When Amy has nowhere to go for winter break, her friend Christine insists she come stay with her family. W…
  • RADIOGRAM is set in 1971 Bulgaria, under the Communist regime: when any western influence, especially musi…
  • A young, disenchanted couple (Ron and Becca) agree to engage in an open relationship with their couple fri…
  • 厌倦了都市的枯燥和紧张气氛,正当盛年的大学教授安德烈•瓦伦迪诺维奇(Marat Basharov 饰)携妻子伊娃和女儿萨…