
  • In a bar called Inferninho, the staff dream of escape. A handsome sailor with a dream of finding home arri…
  • Director Vicente Amorim film is a wild and weird allegorical thriller. A gang of young dirt bikers on a ri…
  • 對人生感到迷惘的傑西在雨夜邂逅了藝術家希萊絲特,美麗又勇於做自己的希萊絲特深深吸引了傑西,他們一拍即合、相…
  • 最新研究顯示,颱風預報偏差逐年變大,而罪魁禍首似乎指向全球氣候變遷。 日本琉球大學學者伊藤康介分析了26年來…
  • 本片入围今年柏林电影节短片竞赛单元,提名泰迪熊奖。夏日来临,六名年轻朋友们驱车前往河畔的森林。他们在路上讲…
  • Father Gabriele Amortha performs his ninth exorcism on an Italian woman.
  • Marinicã (Cristi Iacob) is a sailor. He goes to Timisoara because his girlfriend Imola (Ioana Moldo…
  • 影片《征服》讲述伊达·达尔塞第一次和墨索里尼相遇是在特伦托,当时墨索里尼只是一家报社的记者,是一个初出茅庐…