
  • <p>yle=color: rgb(17, 17, 17); f> 爱德华多·威廉姆斯夺得洛迦诺电影节当代电影人单元金豹奖的长片首作…
  • 在一个宁静的社区里,受人尊敬的中年理发师马哈拉吉与女儿乔蒂和拉克希米住在一起。当马哈拉吉向警方报案称有蒙面…
  • Renate Reinsve and Anders Danielsen Lie see the dead come to life in a confidently executed zombie drama b…
  • The Story is purportedly based on real-life incidents which took place in the 1980s
  • 非洲大地丧尸肆虐,联合国军队也束手无策只能迅速撤离,此时美军中校墨菲因为飞机失事而流落此地,面对成群的饥饿…
  • 故事发生在不久的将来,人工智能风靡一时,自然发展成为遥远的记忆。纽约一对夫妻瑞秋和阿尔维准备将关系发展到下…
  • After the tragic loss of his wife battling the forces of darkness, Gabriel is persuaded to rejoin his form…
  • 两名女子因体重而受到无情羞辱,于是前往伦敦,试图证明梦想的重量才是最重要的。