
  • 母亲去世后,年轻女子回到了位于尼亚加拉大瀑布的家中,并陷入了关于一场绑架的回忆里,她声称自己小时候亲眼目睹…
  • 哑巴持枪少女对男人们的态度
  • In 1919 South America, a landowner's wife is desperate for a child of her own, having suffered through mul…
  • An Army psychologist held captive by an unknown adversary must find her way out of an RV in the middle of …
  • In 1840, a samurai comes home to find his wife in bed with another man, so he kills them both and then him…
  • 一支全副武装的四人特种部队小组奉命赶往出事地点,在自称卫生署官员的欧文医生(JonathanMellor饰)的带领下,他…
  • 德国表现主义代表作品  A  公元4世纪的犹太教法典(Talmud)中提到过Rava造golem的事。Rava的全称叫Rabb…
  • Adela是一名充满同情心的罪犯辩护人,一直坚信人性本善,罪恶的是社会。然而她最近的辩护被告偷了她的车,在车内…